Sunday, October 7, 2012

PowerShell - Solution deployment simplified

As a SharePoint developer or Admin, what we do most frequently in our day-to-day activities; is to play around with SharePoint solutions (WSPs) and Features..
And since we cannot memorize all the available operations, here are simplified PowerShell commands:

SPSolution Operations:

Add Solution to SharePoint Farm- You are ready with solution package (WSP) for deployment and this is a fresh deployment; first time deployment to the farm. SharePoint can consume a solution only if it is uploaded in SP solution store, and the operation to upload a solution is Add-SPSolution

Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath -Confirm
LiteralPath: Mandatory, Takes full path of WSP as string
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation
Add-Spsolution -Literalpath "C:\Solutions\MySolution.wsp"

Install Solution - Now solution is available in farm, next step is to use it. Installing a WSP comes with many options based on scope (for specific web application or all) and content (DLL(s) for GAC or files).
Install-SPSolution -Identity -GACDeployment
Install-SPSolution -Identity -AllWebApplication -GACDeployment
Install-SPSolution -Identity -WebApplication -GACDeployment
Identity: Required, Full name/GUID of WSP as string
AllWebapplications: Optional, If WSP to be used by all webapplications in farm
WebApplication: Optional, If WSP is for specific web application, URL as string
GACDeployment: Optional, If WSP includes some DLL to GAC
Force: this parameter can be used if installation is throwing some error due to feature activation or time job issue.
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation
Install-SPSolution -Identity "MySolution.wsp" -GACDeployment
Install-SPSolution -Identity "MySolution.wsp" -AllWebApplication -GACDeployment
Install-SPSolution -Identity "MySolution.wsp" -WebApplication "" -GACDeployment

Upgrade a deployed Solution- Your solution package (WSP) is already deployed and installed; now you did some changes in code and want to deploy the latest, here comes Update-SPSolution. This command will upgrade the deployed solution with latest DLL(s) and files.
Update-SPSolution -Identity -LiteralPath -GACDeployment
Identity: Required, Full name/GUID of WSP as string
LiteralPath: Mandatory, Takes full path of WSP as string
GACDeployment: Optional, If WSP includes some DLL to GAC
Force: this parameter can be used if installation is throwing some error due to feature activation or time job issue.
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation
Update-SPSolution -Identity MySolution.wsp -LiteralPath "C:\Solutions\MySolution.wsp" -GACDeployment

Deployment Rollback: There are scenarios where we may need to rollback the deployment; If the deployment caused some major issue in farm/application or you added a big component (i.e.-site/list definition) in you solution and want a fresh deployment. To rollback a deployment, first retract/uninstall the WSP and then remove it from farm.
Retract Solution - Similar to installation, uninstalling a WSP comes with many options based on scope (for specific web application or all).
Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity -Confirm
Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity -AllWebApplication -Confirm
Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity -WebApplication -Confirm
Identity: Required, Full name/GUID of WSP as string
AllWebapplications: Required, If WSP to be retracted from all webapplications in farm
WebApplication: Required, If WSP is for specific web application, URL as string
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation
Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity "MySolution.wsp"
Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity "MySolution.wsp" -AllWebApplication -Confirm:$false
Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity "MySolution.wsp" -Webapplication "" -Confirm:$false

Remove Solution to SharePoint Farm- After retraction, solution can be removed from SharePoint farm solution store.
Remove-SPSolution -Identity -Confirm
Identity: Required, Full name/GUID of WSP as string
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation
Remove-SPSolution "MySolution.wsp"
Remove-SPSolution -Identity "Unilever.Global.CDF.wsp" -Confirm:$false

SPFeature Operations:
Install/Uninstall Features in SharePoint Farm- Normally feature installation/un-installation are taken care with SPSolution operations which contains the feature. But we come across situations where features needs to be Installed/Uninstalled separately. Below are the commands and examples.

Install Feature Command:
Install-SPFeature -Path -Force -Confirm
Path: Mandatory, Takes relative path from the folder “$env:ProgramFiles\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\” to the feature as string
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation ($true/$false)
Force: Optional, this parameter can be used for force installation.
Install-SPFeature -Path "MyFeature"

Un-Install Feature Command:
Uninstall-SPFeature -Path -Force -Confirm
Path: Mandatory, Takes relative path from the folder “$env:ProgramFiles\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\” to the feature as string
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation ($true/$false)
Force: Optional, this parameter can be used for force operation.
Uninstall-SPFeature -Path "MyFeature"

Activate/Deactivate Feature- Below are the commands and examples.
Activate Feature Command:
Enable-SPFeature –Identity -URL Force -Confirm
Identity: Required, Name or GUID of feature as string
URL: Optional,Site/Web URL depending on feature scope
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation ($true/$false)
Force: Optional, this parameter can be used for force installation.
Enable-SPFeature –Identity "MyFeature" -URL ""

Deactivate Feature Command:
Disable-SPFeature –Identity -URL Force -Confirm
Identity: Required, Name or GUID of feature as string
URL: Optional,Site/Web URL depending on feature scope
Confirm: Optional, Ask for confirmation before operation ($true/$false)
Force: Optional, this parameter can be used for force operation.
Disable-SPFeature –Identity "MyFeature" -URL ""

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