Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cute Editor Version Upgrade problem - HTTPMODULE


Sometimes a small thing can break down a big application. It happened to me once.
One of my big and critical applications running on .NET version 1.1 is using Cute Editor as users interface editor in its different pages. Once the next version came of the cute editor I tried to upgrade the version I am using with the latest one and all my pages which were using CE are distorted and editor was not working at all.

After digging a lot into this and contacting to CE customer care also, I went nowhere. But it was quite visible that CE files are trying to render on page, but it could not succeed. I felt it may be a security or authorization problem that prevents few files to be uploaded on page, and finally found that the problem is because we were using HTTPMODULE for handling authorization. When I checked the authorization DLL code, there is a credential check for all the files, I just bypassed that check for CE client file and it workedJ.
So next time you upgrade your Cute Editor, follow these steps.

1. Download CE client file from vendor’s site http://cutesoft.net/.
2. Get your .NET version client files.
3. Upload new version Cute Editor client files in application:
a) Need to delete all the client files from "(project)/CuteSoft_Client".
b) Upload all new client files (Downloaded from CE site) to project)/CuteSoft_Client".
4. Add the Component reference (new version DLL of cute editor) to all the projects which are using Cute Editor.
5. Make sure that license file cuteeditor.lic is added in bin folder of projects.
6. Modify all the .aspx files which are using Cute Editor accordingly to support new version.
7. Update the assembly reference with new version in all the .aspx files:

For more details on deployment and implement of Cute editor, please visit:
Installation and Deployment -> Deployment of CuteEditor for .NET

Few Common problems:
1. Version difference of cute editor in .ASPX page and DLL added in project references.
2. Client file path not found, if you are sharing client files from a common location, please add entry in web.config file of all the applications using CE.
3. Tool bar customized Configuration file is missing (If toolbar is customized).
4. HTTPMODULE is used for security and CE client files are not bypassed from authentication.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sharepoint - STSADM commands for FEATURE

stsadm -o installfeature
stsadm -o activatefeature
stsadm -o deactivatefeature
stsadm -o uninstallfeature

STSADM Commands - Sharepoint

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes the Stsadm tool for command-line administration of Office SharePoint Server 2007 servers and sites. Stsadm is located at the following path on the drive where SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin. You must be an administrator on the local computer to use Stsadm.Stsadm provides a method for performing the Office SharePoint Server 2007 administration tasks at the command line or by using batch files or scripts.
Content database Operations:
Add content db:
stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url -databasename [-databaseserver ] [-databaseuser ] [-databasepassword ] [-sitewarning ] [-sitemax ]

Database repair:
stsadm.exe -o databaserepair -url -databasename [-deletecorruption]

Delete content db:
stsadm.exe -o deletecontentdb -url -databasename [-databaseserver ]

Set config db:
stsadm.exe -o setconfigdb [-connect] -databaseserver [-databaseuser ] [-databasepassword ] [-databasename ] [-exclusivelyusentlm] [-farmuser] [-farmpassword] [-adcreation] [-addomain ] [-adou ]

Delete config db:
stsadm.exe -o deleteconfigdb

Merge content dbs:
stsadm.exe -o mergecontentdbs -url -sourcedatabase destinationdatabasename [-operation <1,>] [-filename ] Where operation is: 1. Analyze (default) 2. Full database merge 3. Read from file
Trim audit log:stsadm -o trimauditlog -url -enddate -databasename [-databaseserver]

Stsadm operations for Webparts:
We creat customized web parts in .NET (sharepoint) for our pecific needs where out of box web parts do not meet our requirements. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes the Stsadm tool for command-line administration of Office SharePoint Server 2007 servers and sites. Once the web part is ready, we need to add and deploy this before use, here are the stsadm command line operations for Web Parts.
Add Web part : addwppack
stsadm.exe -o addwppack -filename [-lcid ] [-url ] [-globalinstall] [-force] [-nodeploy]
stsadm.exe -o addwppack -name [-lcid ] [-url ] [-globalinstall] [-force]

Delete Web part : deletewppack
stsadm.exe -o deletewppack -name [-lcid ] [-url ]

Deploy Web part : deploywppack:
stsadm.exe -o deploywppack -name [-url ] [-time